mer is just around the corner and before you know it, the children are out of school. Do you have a plan for them or they will be sitting most of the time in front of the TV and eat and drink junk?
Make a plan for the summer activities, encourage them to use the imagination to create projects that are reflection of they own unique talents.
Encourage and possible participate with them in outdoor sports, swimming, playing ball any kind. Day camp is a good place for them to be, also summer camp, family travel if affordable.
Many things they could be engaged, but you have to be creative and help them.
If they are old enough insist in summer job, or volunteer work.
Use reward and consequences if necessary and remember you are the parent and you are in charge
Time spent as a family unit by planning, playing working together, is not only good for them and for you, but builds cherished memories as well.
If they are bored they will spend long hours in front of the TV or getting involved with the wrong crowd smoking or doing drugs
Protect them you are raising the future.