I am happy to live long enough to see how that role of fathers has been changed since my time. 60 years ago, it was unheard of for a father to be in the delivery room with his wife witnessing the birth of the child. He was pacing up and down in the waiting room with other nervous fathers.
To change diapers, burp the baby, and push a pram was not the fathers roll and men did not do that. It probably where exceptions, I personally did not know anybody otherwise.
Both my sons where in the delivery room, changed diapers burped the baby and shared the work with the wife’s for caring and looking after them sons.
Today I am a great grandmother and watching my grandson interacting. Loving and helping with his two young babies, it warms my heart. The bond and the foundation they are building will result in a healthy well-balanced children and adults.
The most important and responsible job is being a parent. The future is in the hand. We live in a violent world and all those violent people of today where children at one time. Many things must have gone wrong in they childhood and growing up.
Keep up the good work, I wish you all a very happy Fathers Day.