I call it the happy house on the hill. It is large and houses two families who own it together.
The two women are sisters and each is married. They and the two husbands come from different cultural and religious background and each couple has two children. The ages are three, two, one and a half, and two months.There is an incredible peace harmony and calmness in that house, the children are well behaved, no jalousie or very little and they are very protective of each other specially the two older ones protecting the two young babies.

There is an incredible peace harmony and calmness in that house, the children are well behaved, no jalousie or very little and they are very protective of each other specially the two older ones protecting the two young babies.
The stay home mom has a master degree in early child- hood education, which helps and she runs that household like a well-seasoned sea captain. However, with a lot of love and fun and order, and without any pressure upon them
When the parents return at night, work stays outside the door. The minute they walk in quality time begins until the childrens all go to bed without a hitch or too much coaxing. The love, which these kids are surrounded, is enormous. Everything is geared for them and for they well being. The house is a giant nursery, no worry that they may pull down or break something .Growing up in such a safe secure warm and stable environment must have a positive effect. I wish to be around when they are going to be in the teens, but I think that is too much to ask being 86. However, I am working on it.
It was very different when I was a young mom and comparing raising children then and now, it seems that then was the dark ages.
These kids have a very solid secure foundation to build them life, which in the end will make them happy healthy and secure adults.
One of the dads in that household is my grandson and the two little girls are my great granddaughters. I am very proud of them all.

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