Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Enjoy Life

It was a lovely spring day the day before Mothers Day and I was going next day to get the flowers to transform my balcony to “Garden of Edith” as I do every year.

I felt exceptionally good, because two days before on my last Dr appointment all test results where normal and my Dr was very pleased and encouraged me to keep doing what I do.

I was sweeping and hamming when suddenly  a very dull pain in the middle of my hart, and I immediately knew that I was having a heart attack. I sat down bewildered waiting for it to go away. Instead, the pain moved on to my left arm and shoulder. I realized this is not going away, and I had better gotten myself to the emergency. I was alone in the house but did not loose consciences.

I was given an EKG and a blood test, repeated in six hours to determine if this was really a heart attack. It was. By evening fluid started to be build-up in my lungs, I had difficulty breathing. An oxygen mask, diuretic administered orally and intravenously restored my breathing in 45 minutes.  It was a frightening experience.

Angioplasty showed 35% of deposits, so no procedure was necessary and after five days I was home.

I joined a four-month  cardio rehabilitation program, very closely monitored the first month. It helped me overcome the fear and denial. It encouraged and supervised the exercise program and after the first month I joint a strength and balance class three times a week.

Today, I am fully recovered back to my routine, and the goal is to restore the level of exercise I used to do before. I am working on it. It was a freightening experience and changed my outlook on life.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Family

Counting the days for their arrival finally was over. It was sunny and very pleasant day to welcome my grandson and his family. Most importantly the two little girls whom I saw last when Liliana was 2/5 and Norah 3 months old.
Within minutes the house looked like it was hit by a tornado. Luggage all over the place and toys everywhere with two happy giggling little girls playing in the middle of the room. Liliana now 3 years old and Norah 9 months. I called it a delicious mess where the warmth and the sunshine came from the inside the house.
However, this is not all. There was no problem with eating sleeping sharing or toilet training. When Marita put Liliana for her afternoon nap, she asked for a diaper, you do not need a diaper anymore, to which Liliana replied “but this is not my bed”
She just turned three. Will she grow up to be considered and thoughtful towards others? I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

 I am so very proud of this family, they marriage seems rock solid, the way they raise the children, with calm voice, choice consequences and most of all infinite patience and love. There are a constant parent-children communication and Liliana fully understands it. Norah looks at the intensely like somebody who understands what they are talking about and then gives a big smile and happy sounds. Just delightful.
Well, they are gone now. The house is in order and very quiet, and I miss them a lot.
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