Friday, July 24, 2009

My Balcony Garden

I started this blog with my balcony garden, but I had no comments so I gave it up. Giving up is not my nature, so I am back again.
I always loved to garden and when I was working I lived with my son and his family in a duplex and under my living room window I had a rock garden.
I am a social worker and worked with single parents family and teen age mothers. It was a stresful job and working in my rock garden after work was very therapeutic.
21 years ago I moved from that duplex into a small condo with a 60 sq. foot balcony. For 21 years every spring I transform that balcony into a very collorful place of refuge and I live there practically all summer.I
read, listen to music, take a nap every afternoon when I come home from
the gym where I swim one mile 5 days a week, or paint when I am in the mood.
In month of May I visit my favorite nursery and pick the dominant color
and work the other colors around that.This year the dominant color is orange and yes the work is still very therapeutic.
It is hard work specially when you are 85 which I keep fergeting. It took me 10 hors to plant and arrange everything and I was fine... but the next morning I could hardly move. My knees and back was kiling me. It took a whole week to get back to normal. Anyway I learned my lesson.
I believe that gardening which is good for the soul and swiming which is good for the body slows down the aging process. Try it sometime and if you do be consistent or it won't work.

1 comment:

  1. Grandma Grunfeld - we enjoyed your balcony garden and it was lovely to hear about your efforts to brighten up your summer days. Our cousin lives in a condo in Winnipeg - sadly we have not seen her in over forty years. Keep up the good work. The grandparents

    John & Cornelia


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