The First Lady Michele Obama is trying to change the eating habits of children’s to avoid child obesity and diabetes in children. I hope she will succeed, but you as a parent have to do your part as well.
I cannot imagine anything being more important than the wellbeing of your child.
Make the change mom and dad; it does not have to be expensive or fancy. Just nutritious and fresh. lean and delicious. Do it together if possible, plan the meal shop for it and cook it fresh.
I know it is not easy, but trust me is worth it. Limit TV watching, encourage outdoor play, and start young, they will grow up valuing proper food and exercise.
Do not wait until something happens or the damage is irreversible.
You be surprised how creative you can become when the will, motivation and priority is there.
Set an example, children will not lose weight if they parents lifestyle is unhealthy. Obesity is a disease for young, old and in-between. Life is excessively short to be wasted. You have the power to do something about it.
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