Watching my two great granddaughters growing up (unfortunately from far) and seeing how they are growing adopting healthy behaviour and eating habits, it amazes me. When my boys where they age eating were a whole production and so was many other things. Everything was a struggle. We where new emigrants, didn’t spoke the language and had no family support to speak off. But that was long time ago. Bringing up children today it is a whole different ball game.
Parenting is the most important job and also the most rewarding and satisfying experience you can have. Parents have to work 24/7 around the clock to keep they children healthy happy, safe and secure. When they are toddlers they need to be thought and watched to stay away from hot food, stove, electrical outlets harsh chemicals and sharp objects
Right eating habits, playing and sharing, proper bed time and positive attitude, not much TV and more outdoor play, should start as early as possible and they will learn, if you model it to them.
Like I said parenting is a big responsibility, not easy but worth every effort you put into it.

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