Saturday, March 27, 2010

Prevent Childhood Obesity Before its to late.

The First Lady Michele Obama is trying to change the eating habits of children’s to avoid child obesity and diabetes in children. I hope she will succeed, but you as a parent have to do your part as well.
I cannot imagine anything being more important than the wellbeing of your child.
Make the change mom and dad; it does not have to be expensive or fancy. Just nutritious and fresh. lean and delicious. Do it together if possible, plan the meal shop for it and cook it fresh.
I know it is not easy, but trust me is worth it. Limit TV watching, encourage outdoor play, and start young, they will grow up valuing proper food and exercise.
Do not wait until something happens or the damage is irreversible.
You be surprised how creative you can become when the will, motivation and priority is there.
Set an example, children will not lose weight if they parents lifestyle is unhealthy. Obesity is a disease for young, old and in-between. Life is excessively short to be wasted. You have the power to do something about it.
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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Organic Cotton Baby Clothes and Bedding

More and more people choose natural products and food for themselves and for the children.
I believe that children who are growing up with natural things like clothing, bedding, toxic free toys, and fresh natural food will benefit greatly in later life by maybe eliminating obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure hart problems and many food and toxic related illnesses.
It is not hard to go all out in natural things, it is all around us and not much more expensive than other things. It takes a little time to research it and find it and the will power to do it. When pregnant you are encouraged to eat many fresh vegetable fruits and exercise regularly. Then continue when the baby is born by surrounding him/her with natural clothing, bedding, and healthy food in general a healthy life style.
I see many young parents who are doing just that and with wonderful results. I salute them because these children will grow up with a healthy attitude toward food and natural things and a healthier attitude toward life. They are our future
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Obesse Children And How To Prevent it

You take your child for a check-up and find out that he /she is not chubby but obese. What do you do? Panic, teYou take your child for a check-up and find out that he /she is not chubby but oar your hair out, blame somebody feel guilty, I hope none of the above. There are alternatives.

One way is to rethink your eating and cooking habits. Clean out your cupboards and pantry of sugar, white flour white pasta sodas mayo. Talk with a nutritionist and follow the recommendation. The diabetic food guide has wonderful and plenty choices to be creative with not just for your child but for the whole family.
If your child is old, enough get him/her involved in the process of planning shopping and cooking. When they are small, you can cook several vegetable and puree them, then add to the spaghetti sauce. They will not know the difference.
Planning the meals, shopping, and preparing should be a high priority to the whole
family and if possible everybody should be involved.
To fight child obesity food is not enough. You have to encourage physical activity and do it together .On the playground when they are small and in the backyard, the park at the swimming pool or skating ring at an older age.
Research nutrition facts especially for growing children and apply them the best you can so you can raise healthy active children and young adults and avoid the complication of child obesity.
You are the parent and fully responsible and yes it is not easy, but a sacrifice well worth it.

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