Thursday, July 30, 2009

How I slow down the aging process

It is possible you know, but you have to be very determined and change some things in your life style.
I believe age is just a number, also the two words I CAN`T has to be eliminated from your vocabulary and be replaced with words like I WILL.
10 years ago a very well equipped gym opened in my neighborhood.
I joined and eversince I go reularly 5 days a week. I swim one mile every day, and work out 45min 2-3 times a week in the gym. On those days I only swim 1 km.
I keep very busy attending my balcony garden, selling jewelry on ebay
being an affiliate asociate with
I chat with my garndchildrens all grown up and my 18mo old great granddauhter often on Skype
As you can see there is no room for boredom or feeling sorry for myself;
I live alone and I am fiercly independent.
It is not easy to fight age BUT SURE IT IS DOABLE

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